Haryana Fire & Safety Management is a pioneer institute of Fire and Safety Courses in Haryana. Fire Engineering and Industrial Safety is consider as a better career option that is fast catching up with the students allover India. Whereas in other countries, Fire & Safety Courses has been an integral part of most of university programs. Introduction of Fire & Safety Courses in Haryana achieve great positive response as more and more students get connected with our fire college i.e. Haryana College of Fire & Safety Management – Leading Fire Prevention & Safety Training Institute in Haryana.
HCFSM is well known for good quality education and providing Fire & Safety Courses Programs in Haryana. HCFSM has authorized safety training centres to impart quality education through its branch network. Proper Fire Drills & Practical demos are being conducted for the betterment of the students to get complete knowledge about Fire Prevention, being able to handle difficult situation when sudden fire accidents occurs. HCFSM comprises of dedicated team of highly experienced professionals includes Expert Trainers, Fire Scientists / Engineers Defence Officers, and Fire Experts. This Fire College as embarked many other branches in the field of fire education and one of leading fire & safety training institute for offering fire & safety courses programs in Haryana.